The "CAKE" Family

Life is sweet with two little girls to keep us busy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

20 weeks down, 20 to go!

Oh my, what is this? Two posts in one week! It's a miracle!!!!!

I had a great day today. We had our 20 week OB appointment this morning. It was really quick and painless! Even getting weighed didn't hurt a bit! So far, only 9 lbs! I am right on track, and have 20 lbs to gain (my personal goal, in line with expert recommendations). We got the results of the AFP test today... baby looks very healthy, with no deformities. Dr. M did a quick ultrasound (I love this man because he loves to show us our baby!) and the baby is doing great. Chris thought he saw "nothing" in the lower area, and said he thought we would have a beautiful baby instead of a handsome one. I told him not to look too much into it because everything has to be at the right angle to actually tell, and it was such a quick sweep over that area that he might not have seen what he thought he saw (or didn't see for that matter :P).

After our Dr.'s appointment, we headed for our anatomy scan at the hospital. The tech did all her measuring, and we got to watch while she looked at the spine, kidneys, heart, bladder, arms, hands, legs, feet, face, brain etc. She kept saying that baby has a beautiful spine, which is music to my ears! We got a really good shot of the feet (no pic though) and could count the toes and almost see the toenails! Everything looks amazing, and I am so excited that our baby is doing so well. It will be nice to hear from the Dr. on the official "results" of the scan, just to be sure that EVERYTHING is good! Mommy likes to worry sometimes!

I also found out today why I have been feeling like someone is tap dancing on my bladder! Our baby is in the breech position (head up) and his/her little feet are in the perfect position to dance on my bladder! It's amazing to see how different this pregnancy is from my first. Kayla was always in the transverse (sideways) or normal (head down) position throughout my pregnancy. I am not too worried about this one being breech right now. We have 20 weeks to get into position!

Later on, Chris and I went shopping for Kayla's birthday party. She is turning 4 on Saturday! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. My little girl is growing up so quickly, and it seems like it was not that long ago that I was feeling her kicks in my belly! She is so excited to be a big sister, and right now she wants a baby brother! It changes as frequently as her favorite color, but I am sure she will enjoy being a big sister no matter what.
Here is a pic from today of the new baby's arm and hand. There are clearly four little fingers showing us how old Kayla is going to be!


  1. So cute!
    Ps. Dr. Miller has the tendency of being wrong about the gender, so even if he accidentally says beautiful or handsome and blows it...he may be wrong. I have him check EVERY time we have an ultrasound because if a wiener appears on our baby girl out of nowhere, we have A LOT of stuff to return. LOL.

  2. Haha! Dr. Miller didn't say anything, Chris and I just got a quick glimpse of the area. But, like I told Chris, you have to have a pretty good angle most times to tell for sure!

  3. I don't know how you guys can wait to know gender! I told the tech he could tell me the gender before he had even moved the wand over to the baby.

    I was four when my sister was born - I think it's a great age for a new sib! (I'm biased though obviously.)



About Me

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I am a busy mom, who loves to make healthy, home-cooked meals for my daughters, Kayla and Evalynn, and my husband, Chris. I am a full time student and home-maker. I love to make delicious meals and share them with the ones I love. Now, I'm venturing out to share my recipes with the world!