The "CAKE" Family

Life is sweet with two little girls to keep us busy!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Well, it's been about 4 weeks since I wrote ANYTHING on here! I guess I need to be better about updating, but my life is pretty boring, LOL!

To start with, I am finally in the 2nd trimester! YAY! I am feeling MUCH better! My morning sickness has gone away, and I can finally eat again, which is very satisfying! The new symptoms have started kicking in though! My nose is stuffy, and I have to run to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so! On top of it, I have terrible allergies anyway, and allergy season is in full gear! So, I have been pretty miserable for about a week now.

As you can see, Kayla loves her baby brother or sister, and is very excited to be a BIG SISTER soon! Although, she changes her mind almost daily on whether she wants to bring home a brother, or a sister. She is very sweet, and kisses my belly regularly, and tells the baby that she loves it. It melts my heart every time!

I have finally started feeling our little one move. It isn't very strong yet, but it is definitely baby movements!

Wedding plans have slowed down a little bit. I am happy though, because we have some of the big, important stuff out of the way. We booked our venue, and photographer, picked our colors, bought the dress, and ordered our Save the dates (which I got for a steal!). We are getting our engagement pictures done this Saturday, as long as everything goes as planned! This is the 2nd time we have rescheduled, and I am getting pretty anxious about it! The first time was because the photographer had a family emergency, and today we rescheduled because my lovely town is a wind box! We had winds ranging from 18mph to 32mph... Not the best weather to get beautiful pictures in!

Today, we had our 16 week appointment. I am loving my doctor a little more each visit. We are very lucky, because he has an ultrasound in his office, and if time permits (which it has every appointment) he does a quick ultrasound to check out how baby is doing. Today was great, we went right in, and saw the baby. He/she is developing wonderfully. The first images we saw were of the beautiful little spine, and one of his/her arms, fully equipped with fingers and everything! Baby was napping while we were looking, and was facing away from us, but finally turned his/her little face toward us so we could get a nice picture. (The face is in the upper right corner of the picture above, the spine runs along the top, and the legs are curled up at the left). We are measuring right on track at 16 weeks 4 days, which puts the estimated due date at September 5th. I was also shocked to learn that I have only gained 2 pounds throughout this pregnancy! But, I was 5 pounds fatter than I originally thought :P

My doctor also relieved some of my fears for labor and delivery. I had a not so wonderful labor and delivery with Kayla, and my biggest fear is for it to happen again. I gave him a brief history about what happened, and he reassured me that if I got to that really uncomfortable point, he would make sure I was admitted, even if I wasn't at that "point" yet. This is what happened with Kayla... I went in two times within 5 hours and was sent home because I wasn't far enough dialated. The 2nd time, I really could have been admitted, but was sent home anyway because I hadn't reached 4 cm and my water hadn't broke. Within 2 hours of being sent home, my water broke and Kayla was ready to make her appearance! After being wheeled into the L&D wing in a wheel chair, I was told I had to wait my turn by the receptionist (although I was screaming "I have to push") and was finally wheeled back into a triage room to give birth. The delivery was pretty quick, but traumatic on me. Needless to say, I don't want to have a similar experience this time around. Dr. also gave us the option of scheduling an induction, so I know when it will happen, and we will be prepared. I don't really like that option, unless the baby was overdue by a week or so. But, at least I know he will work with me to make this labor and delivery a much better experience!

We also scheduled our next appointment for 4 weeks. I will officially be at the halfway mark, and we will be sent over to the hospital to have the BIG ultrasound. It is called the anatomy scan, but we are not finding out the sex. They will do a very detailed ultrasound, and measure everything that can be measured, and take LOTS of pictures!

After our appointment this afternoon, I sat there looking at the ultrasound picture and became overwhelmed with joy. I looked at Chris and said, "This mommy is so in love!" I can't wait 'til September to meet our little one, and hold him/her in my arms.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, that delivery with Kayla sounds awful. I would be so agitated if I came all the way to the hospital and was not admitted. I'll be sure to discuss that with my doctor. It sucks you had to go through that!

    I am so obsessed with food right now. My mom keeps telling me what to eat and to eat healthy, but at the moment I'm enjoying having an appetite so much that I'm eating whatever I feel like. Once I get used to actual food (versus dry crackers and milkshakes almost exclusively) I'll start working on better nutrition.

    The stuffy nose is also wicked frustrating and the pressure gives me headaches. I can't wait until the first u/s... Every check in (last time it was the heartbeat) reassures me that I'm suffering for a reason!

    Sorry for the novel, found my way here via TheBump and will be following your blog. =)



About Me

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I am a busy mom, who loves to make healthy, home-cooked meals for my daughters, Kayla and Evalynn, and my husband, Chris. I am a full time student and home-maker. I love to make delicious meals and share them with the ones I love. Now, I'm venturing out to share my recipes with the world!